New Ship Building

Fairdale well understand, to develop a new ship building is a important system project to every ship's owner. In order to complete the building in a good managing process, Fairdale offers a one stop service for those who are interested in designing and building new shipping vessels. Fairdale works closely with the customer to ensure all needs and features are included in the ship design. Once design specifications are met, Fairdale then aides and guides the process of engineering, materials acquisition and shipbuilding. At all points in the process, Fairdale will obtain quotes for materials and service to meet budget requirements. Upon completion of the building, Fairdale will ensure that all inspections, trials and certificates are obtained and filed with the appropriate governments and agencies. Finally, Fairdale will coordinate with the customer to deliver the ship to its designated home port.

Fairdale has successfully built new ships of 106 and 108m meters RORO passenger vessels for Indonesian customers and is currently managing the construction of a container carrier vessel.